
Sunday, February 22, 2015

She Trusted Her Love.

I trust my love is enough. The other day I was doodling during a meeting. I drew several spirals and underneath them the questions: When? How? 

Later, after a night of reflection, music and sharing old stories with my daughter, the simple message inscribed on the tag of a tea bag provided some insight.

When?—When I can act with complete compassion.

How?—With kindness and grace.

There is no one specific situation to which these questions apply, but rather many, folded back on each other like waves racing up to the shore, or like the gossamer strands of a spider's web intertwined. In all cases, I trust my love is enough to get me there, to my when, and my how. I trust my love for self, for others, for the sanctity of this life and for the opportunities (personal and professional) to which my love beckons. I trust that, whatever my genuine love offers, that will be enough for whomever and whatever is there to receive it. I will naturally find myself in balance with opportunities just beyond my window and the images of the memories which color my dreams. #sheisthree


  1. Oh Kelli Lynn, this is beautiful. We see the beauty of you and we honor your authenticity. Striving to act with compassion, kindness, and grace: YES. May the whole world do that someday. Wishing you balance and blessings on your path...
    {Thank you for joining us on the journey this month at}

    1. Jennifer, Thank you so much! When I read your comment, I began to cry. Connecting with people outside myself is very important to me, especially right now. Thank you for writing such encouraging words and for offering women a beautiful creative platform via
