My relationship with herbal medicine
began with a weathered green book. At least, it looked weathered on
the outside. Inside, large, glossy pages displayed portraits of
hundreds of plants situated beside concise descriptions of their
growing habits and use. My mother kept the book on a wicker table in
our sun room. It felt like a hallowed place.
My mother has spent her adult life
dreaming of horticulture and landscape design while working full-time
as a hospital nurse. In practice, most of her health habits reflect
what she has learned from contemporary mainstream medicine. However,
in theory, her world is enriched by a deep appreciation for
wild-growing weeds and the mysterious medicine of the rain forests.
Occasionally, the two worlds meet. For
example, when I came down with a common childhood cold, my mother's
first line of treatment was serving me raw garlic. Then there's the
time she decided to grow potted basil. She read about the benefits of
eating the fresh leaves but became alarmed because she thought they
made her feel high.
My personal experiences with herbal
medicine began in college. As part of my basic reporting class, I
interviewed a certified aromatherapist. She introduced me to
essential oils with the recommendation that lavender is a gentle
cure-all and that tea tree oil cleans wounds, eliminates mold and
heals acne. She also gave me some advice: While it's possible to
make meaningful generalizations about what each plant can do, every
individual responds differently. Start small and use caution. Also,
remember “how” matters as much as “what.” Mix essential oils
with carrier oils for safety.
I recently donned my NORML shirt and
headed to Rome, Georgia's health food store Purple Mountain to stock
up on my favorite essential oils and to replenish my personal
apothecary—heavy in St. John's Wort, cranberry extract, lysine and
my favorite allergy-prevention blends. I look forward to a day when I
will walk in and see cannabis sharing shelf space with Calendula in
the bulk herb section. I feel it would be at home in space like this
where people purchase plants and products available, simply, to make
them feel better – fixed notions of both healing and hedonism
In his recent about-face on the medical
benefits of marijuana, the neurosurgeon Dr. Sanjay Gupta stated:
They didn't have the science to support that claim, and I now know that when it comes to marijuana neither of those things are true. It doesn't have a high potential for abuse, and there are very legitimate medical applications. In fact, sometimes marijuana is the only thing that works.
While Gupta's support made major
headway in establishing social support for medical marijuana,
specific legislation varies widely across the 23 states which have
implemented it thus far. One recurrent issue is that only certain
cannabinoids (chemical compounds found within cannabis) are
considered legal, despite studies which demonstrate it's all the
cannabinoids working together in harmony which produce the plant's
strongest therapeutic effects. Another challenge central to medical
marijuana's legalization are the limits placed on qualifying
Getting back to my mother and her book,
I'm glad I inherited her fascination minus her fear—or, rather,
minus her tendency to avoid the things which scare her. My advocacy
for marijuana reform can, at times, feel like a scary endeavor in and
of itself. However, when I consider the values I want to pass to my
children, speaking out to right what I view as a social wrong is the
healthiest choice I can make.
Meanwhile, I have a special journal
meant to be a keepsake for my daughter to share with her siblings one
day. Within it, I record my personal experiences with herbal
remedies, alongside images and research from various sources. One of
the latest additions will be a copy of a chart showing how various
cannabinoids combine to treat a spectrum of illnesses. You can take a
look at it here.
As always, please remember that NORML
Mom thrives on feedback. Feel free to comment, share and help it
grow. Thank you!
Interestingly, nicotine/cigarettes actually do meet schedule 1 criteria (no medical benefit, high potential for addiction). And the government makes money taxing it! Then people are penalized for the addiction via insurance costs when the government wants the addicts for profit...